King Thackston... A wonderful person, old friend,gifted artist and unique visionary (1949-2004).
King when we met 1973 |
King dapper in early 80's |
King with Judy Aycock at the 3rd Dali Dinner |
invitation to his showing "The wrong side of the tracks" |
Invitation to his showing "Unmaking of the Statue of Liberty" (Gallery 291) |
Here we are at M.S.L. Gallery at Tula -75 Bennet Street, Atlanta, Georgia |
Two colored pencil works of King's in my collection."Spacesuit" and next a portrait he did of me titled "Portrait of Jaff
Seijas seen three ways".
Below: An imaginative portrait I did of King.
King Thackston, Thinker,Stoic & Greenman - as Vincent Van Gogh, holds a mandala |