King Thackston (1949-2004)

King Thackston... A wonderful person, old friend,gifted artist and unique visionary (1949-2004).

King when we met 1973
King dapper in early 80's

King with Judy Aycock at the 3rd Dali Dinner
invitation to his showing "The wrong side of the tracks"

Invitation to his showing "Unmaking of the Statue of Liberty" (Gallery 291)

Here we are at M.S.L. Gallery at Tula -75 Bennet Street, Atlanta, Georgia

Two colored pencil works of King's in my collection."Spacesuit" and next  a portrait he did of me titled "Portrait of Jaff Seijas seen three ways".

Below: An imaginative portrait I did of King.
King Thackston, Thinker,Stoic & Greenman - as Vincent Van Gogh, holds a mandala

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