
Iconologia - 2013 - A series of photographs inspired by the pictorial imagery of Cesare Ripa.
(click each image for larger view)

Betsy Schott as "Doubt". A woman is seen preparing to clip a bird's wing.
Indecision is worse than a bad choice! Caught in the grey areas of action restrained - she finds her self frozen beyond even the shadow of a doubt.

Lelando Wheeler as the representation of ' The Iconoclast'. The archetypal Hierophant takes an ambivalent turn (or is it cleansing & purifying?) - Dressed in a costume composed of ancient book pages - he prepares to light the match that will purge us of old hand-me-down misconceptions and free our thoughts into a realm of clarity.

A self portrait as "Perseverance": A guide-like figure is guarded by the moon (symbolizing the changing vagaries of Fate) -he points to an open book - which heralds the message "Fear Not..."

Marlys Cox embodies the concept of "Transformation" : A woman cocooned in an amorphous
cloud of thoughts releases her dreams at last...the symbolic butterfly released into the world of expectations...

David Mendoza expresses the spirit of "Exuberance". A playful acquiescence to the 'moment' frees the inner-self. A joyful artist is seen flying the kite of "Truth & Beauty" without fear of ridicule or disdain from the status-quo. Yet such a lack of reserve may lead to the artificiality of one who is always smiling!

Marsha Bennett enacts an example of "Contrary" persona. A woman with a hat which defies gravity serves a cake on which is decoratively written "Have your cake and eat it too..."Antithetical behavior at its most strident.

Cynthia Beatts speaks to us from her image captured during a Skype session. Her insights and observations come from a distant place and perhaps contain within their contents the spirit of "Prophecy" who she represents. Perhaps everyday communications contain messages which can be interpreted  as prophetic depending on perspective. 

Debra DeGiacomandrea arises from the sea of imagination to stir the waters of "Enchantment" where creativity reigns supreme.



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